Anna and the French Kiss, what can I say? This book was cute! It made me want to go to boarding school in Paris to meet my very own St. Clair. And even if I didn’t meet him, I’d still be in one of the coolest cities ever. I mean, French food, architecture and culture! Who wouldn’t want to live in Paris?
Anyway back to the book, I love all the characters because they are all genuine real people. I can picture myself sitting in class with them and that’s what makes this book so awesome. The characters laugh and joke but they also fight and cry. I feel like this book perfectly depicts teenage life. This wasn’t your typical (and extremely annoying) teenage love story. There was no insta-love! Who knew such a thing existed?! The characters took time to get to know each other, were friends at first and then fell in love.
My only issue with this novel was the cheating. Cheating is wrong, no matter what form it comes in. Just because you’re not sleeping with her, doesn’t make it okay! I guess, I can understand why St. Clair did what he did, but it doesn’t make me less annoyed but it. I mean, come on, after chapter one we all knew Anna and St. Clair were going to get together, so why didn’t he break up with Ellie? That is my only objection.
Otherwise, a great read with realistic characters and an adorable romance.
This was one of my reviews for the So Behind – Review-a-thon.