A girl with a mouth almost as big as her TBR list

Monthly Archives: January 2015

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This is the big reveal of my new and exciting feature – Wattpad Wonders. This feature is going to showcase some of my favourite authors on Wattpad. I have been lucky enough to manage to interview a group of absolutely lovely and very talented Wattpad authors. Wattpad Wonders will occur on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month starting with February. I can’t wait to share with you some great authors and stories on Wattpad.

The prompt for this month’s Teens Can Write, Too! blog chain is:

“What is something you feel is generally written well in fiction? What is something you feel is generally written poorly?” 

I’m going to focus on what I think is generally is written poorly, because let’s be honest, complaining is so much more fun that complimenting. So let’s start with number one then, relationships in families. I don’t know about other teenagers out there, but at the moment my family are a huge part of my life, so why are families so badly represented in fiction? Probably because, actually having parents who care about what their kid is doing can be awfully inconvenient and such a hassle. Absolutely loads of charcraters in YA fiction are either orphans or have at least one parent missing, Let’s pause and think about that for a moment, you’ve got Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Clary Fray, Tessa Gray, Katniss Everdeen. Very few authors can actually be bothered to write about parent child relationships, because parents get in the way of adventures, right? Wrong. I completely understand that it is more difficult to have parents, because in real life parents stop teenagers from doing things they want to. But let’s think again shall we? Ron Weasley, Hermione Grainger, Annabeth Chase, Simon Lewis all have families and parents and they are somehow able to go on these adventures, so why can’t the main characters have parents too?

Number two is diversity. Now, before you all shout at me, I know there have been recent efforts and campaigns to promote diversity in YA novels, however I really as if it shouldn’t be something people should have to campaign for. Everyone should be able to open a book and see themselves reflexed in the main character. I am in the lucky position that actually there are a lot of main characters that look like me, however I know a lot of my friends aren’t in the same boat and they should be.

Voila! There we have it. I think I should stop there before I go off in a rant and start to sound like Scrooge even though I absolutely love YA novels.

Like this blog chain topic? Check out the rest of the posts throughout the month:



7thhttps://erinkenobi2893.wordpress.com/ and http://nasrielsfanfics.wordpress.com/






















29th – https://teenscanwritetoo.wordpress.com/ (We’ll announce the topic for next month’s chain.)

So without further ado, my book of the year is… (drumroll)

64 Slot Bracket Finals RoundCity of Heavenly Fire By Cassandra Clare!

happy gif

I’m really late, sorry! So this is two days in one, it’s down to the final two books. Who do you think will win? Who do you want to win?64 Slot Bracket Finals Round

I am looking forward to nominating some of my favourite bloggers. The only challenge is figuring out if they’re from the UK like me! I hope you will all join in nominating some of your favourite bloggers.

Luna's Little Library


Today I am proud to announce that the UKYA Book Blogger Awards Nominations are open!

Use the form below to nominate the bloggers that you love!
You can nominate up to three bloggers per category – choose wisely!

Nominations will stay open until 26th January. (That’s two weeks!)
Then the shortlist will be sorted and voting will begin on the 1st February.

Good luck to all the lovely bloggers!


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Rites of Passage

By Joy N. Hensley


Print Length: 421 pages

Publisher: HarperTeen (9 Sept. 2014)

Blurb: In this fast-paced, high-stakes debut novel, sixteen-year-old Sam McKenna discovers that becoming one of the first girls to attend a revered military academy means living with a target on her back. As Sam struggles to prove herself, she learns that a decades-old secret society is alive and active . . . and determined to force her out.

My Rating:


My Review:

Rites of Passage Review

I have seen loads of really good reviews for this book, so when I received an Amazon voucher this was the first eBook I bought and consequently the first book I read in 2015. I haven’t read any other books like this about girls in the military and I loved the authenticity of it all, at the end I even found at that the author had been a girl at military school. The characters in this book are brilliant, albeit at times very annoying. The characters felt like real people, they were weak, flawed and not truly good or evil (except for some) which is such a refreshing chance.
This book did contain romance, but that wasn’t actually the relationship that the book focused on. From the Goodread’s description it sounds like it mainly focuses on romance, however the romance only serves to prove Sam’s strength even further.
It focused on Sam’s relationship with the girls and boys who were to become both her best friends and worst enemies. It looked at her relationship with her brothers, both the one she adored who had died and the one she hated who was still alive.
Now I have never been in a situation like this so I don’t really know what it’s like, but I lived how the author didn’t skimp on the sexist attitude towards the girls from almost all the boys and the way all the recruits but especially Sam was treated. I have so much admiration for Sam and for any girls who have experienced this in real life, their strength and determination really is inspiring. Despite the fact that almost everyone wants to quit, she still finds the determination to keep going.
This book also had some many twists and turns that you never knew what going to happen which meant I read in all in one night (getting hardly any sleep) because I couldn’t bear to put it down. This book isn’t a easy, light-hearted read and it does deal with some difficult topics, however I would definitely recommend it. I gave it 4.5 out of 5 stars.

64 Slot Bracket Fourth RoundI’m still not sure who is going to win, but it’s getting rather exciting now. Which book do you want to win?

Here we go, down to 16 now!

64 Slot Bracket Third Round

Sorry I’m a day late guys, but here’s my bracket, now narrowed down to the final 32.

64 Slot Bracket Second Round