A girl with a mouth almost as big as her TBR list

Monthly Archives: March 2015

Sorry for being absent for so long, don’t worry I’m not dead, just busy.

This week is was officially announced that there will be a YALC 2015. For those of you have who have no clue what that is, it’s the 2nd annual Young Adult Literature Convention that happens as part of London’s Comic Con from Friday 17 to Sunday 19 July. A friend, her family and I are currently planning on going and I’m so excited. Unfortunately we’re not 100% sure that it’s a feasible idea yet, but I still can’t contain the fangirling. So far it is reported that Malorie Blackman, Cassandra Clare, Charlie Higson, Arabella Weir,  Derek Landy, Patrick Ness, Carrie Hope Fletcher and C J Daugherty. The full list of authors is due to be released in April, but it’s already sounding pretty good.

I read blogs and watched booktube videos about all sorts of awesome book cons and YA book festivals in America, the prospect that I might actually get to go to one in London is amazing. Are any other British book bloggers or booktubers thinking of going? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Am I the only one who is practically dancing around her room with excitement?