Today, on the 7th day of Blogmas, I am featuring the wonderful Hannah from A Cup of Wonderland. If you enjoy this post, I would totally recommend you check out her blog for more great content!

Like a lot of people, Disney was a huge part of my childhood growing up – to an extent it’s now still a huge part of my life now. Which is why when Emily suggested I wrote a blog post about the life lessons which I have learnt from Disney, I jumped at the chance. Anyway I have comprised a list of Disney films which I feel had an impact on me and taught me something during my 19 years (almost 20!).

Mulan –

I think Mulan was one of the earliest Disney films which I can remember watching – ever! I even had the Mulan Disney costume which according to my Mum I was obsessed with it and often I’d refuse to take it off – yes I was that kind of child. But what can I say, I loved Mulan! Now I think probably two lessons which little baby Hannah learnt from watching Mulan which she has carried with her into adulthood. First that it is important for you to fight for what you believe is right and secondly, girls can fight too! In fact I took the lesson so seriously I ended up doing karate for a number of years because I wanted to be like Mulan.

Beauty and the Beast –

Although Mulan was likely one of the first Disney films I got to watch as a kid, Beauty and the Beast was certainly a close second. Now I did love Beauty and the Beast but little Hannah would only watch it if she was with her Dad because she got scared of the Beast… I can confirmed this is no longer the case but I still really dislike him shouting which is properly why I got so scared. Anyway the lessons which I learnt from Beauty and the Beast would most likely be never be ashamed of who you are. Belle is constantly shamed by her village for being ‘bookish’ and I think that’s why my parents wished me to watch it because I was ‘bookish’ but also called weird for my peers for it. Technically it’s something which I’m still learning, but that’s apart of life – it’s all about learning and progressing.

Ratatouille –

Once again, another Disney which was introduced to me by my parents. I still remember my Mum and Dad taking me to the cinema that day many, many, many years ago to watch this at the cinema. If I’m honest, it’s still one of my favourite films ever and was from the moment I saw it. Following an aspiring chef Remi, who happens to be a Rat, and his adventure in Paris along with a man called Linguini the lessons which this movie taught me was not to let anyone else define my own limits. Although Remi is a rat, he still becomes a chef which I love – even though I get it’s properly not that hygienic. This lesson really came in force for me when I was doing my GCSE’s and a teacher told me I wouldn’t even pass the course, I took on Remi’s advice and not only did I pass the course – I got a B!

The Lion King –

Now a lesson which I only started listening to in the past couple of years. It is given by one of my favourite Disney characters – Rafiki. I’ve been hurt, quite a bit this year, but instead of running as much as I would have when I was younger. I hate conflict. But this year, I have been facing it and learning from it more and more.

Thank you Emily for inviting me to write this post and having me on your blog, I really enjoyed writing this post and thinking about all the times I learnt something from Disney!

Thanks so much to Hannah for writing this fab guest post for me! What life lessons has Disney taught you?